We were traveling down on the interstate and came upon a car that wanted to play a little. We stayed stuck together for at least an hour. It was fun, just trying to stay as close as possible and stay in the same lane coming through light traffic. Anyways we split when i had to take the exit for my destination and my highway comrade stayed straight. We exchanged kisses through the glass, he accepted mine and I certainly accepted his.
Now for the negative, the highway was going from two lanes to one and I happened to be in the shut down lane. I rarely stay in the lane when I know it is closing. So I watched the car in front of me merge and then I was prepared for my merge. My signal was on and the barrels were forcing me over. Well, the douche in the truck beside me wouldn't let me over, i was a 1/4 of a car ahead. So i tried to force the issue and horns blared. This dude tried to keep coming, then i lost it. I accelerated and got about a half a car ahead but the barrels were pushing me closer and closer. The A-hole stayed the course and i had to fall back a touch.
Now I'm trying to get in behind this cock sucker but someone else is up his ass and blocking me. This dick had no reason to do this. So I basically tried to ram him out of the lane and I failed again. I fall in behind this dick wad and HE flicks me off! Seriously? I did everything I could to fuck with him but I had my kids in the car and everything so cooler heads prevailed.
Why do people have to be dicks ALL the time? WTF? Both those guys were lucky i didn't have my pistol because I would have been waving it like crazy! :)
Sleep well, Stay strong and most of all NEVER CONFORM!
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