Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Police Officer

Today my loyal readers, I am going to provide you with a mature, deep discussion into the Police and how society feels about them.  I’m going to try to post in here at least once a week with a serious topic and a mature setting.  Side Note, I’m going to use the term he a lot instead typing in he/she.  There are tons of female Police Officers around our nation, I mean no disrespect.\

When an office of the law witnessed and records you speeding on any given day on any given street, he is basically obligated by a plead he took when he entered the Police Force to pull out, chase you down and flip the lights on.  Coming from an experienced professional at speeding and meeting every single police office in Hampton it’s time consuming, embarrassing and seems harassing doesn’t it?  Go get a real job or whatever irrational thought you think of runs through your head as you belittle this officer for doing his job.  

Now, shoe on the other foot time.  At 3a.m. in the morning on a regular day, you awaken to the sound your home security system being set off.  You first thought instinctually is fight or flight but you’re upstairs making flight impossible.  You can’t fight due to the unknown danger, you don’t know who just came through the door or if the alarm is faulty.  You just want help.  It’s like having a horrible dream and the entire time that sickly creature is chasing you you’re simply yet emphatically telling yourself to wake up.  All you want is to wake up…all you want is a police officer to come and risk their life by placing them in harm’s way because someone is doing wrong to you. 

Turns out, it was a faulty alarm, who knew?  But the first thing you do is thank the officer for his quick response and his courage to enter your home not knowing if he is walking into a trap or into a haunted house.  Kinda hypocritical, huh??

Just look at it this way, every time YOU get a ticket because YOU were speeding and selfishly endangering the motorists around YOU, you’re simply donating some cash to the city to improve conditions or hire more police officers to keep US safe.  The next time I hear some whiny little snot complaining about getting a speeding ticket, there will be a reason for the police to come.  But will they show up in time, can they stop me?  Your mind will be racing with questions like that instead of how horrible the traffic police are.

As soon as we start losing sight of our most basic commodities it’s all downhill from there.  Without police we have more crime, with more crime comes more insecurities, with more insecurities we have sleepless nights and restless days, without rest we are less efficient and not motivated to do anything, with no motivation life is just a thing you do, if life is just a thing you do then give up and save some oxygen for the rest of us that actually want to live out our lives and be happy.  

When you see an officer at the 7-11 or Quick Stop, offer to pay for his coffee but have it set up with the cashier because most officers will decline because the duty and motto they stand for, “Protect and Serve” the public even if it risks his life.  

I have always wanted to be police officer.  Crime itself is very intriguing to me but actually figuring it out and arresting the right person because your team was smarter than the criminal, that would be greatest feeling ever.

Now it’s very obvious as I’m typing this that my will and my statements will be tested very soon.  I’m sure I’ll be pulled over and mumbling sweet nothings under my breath.  But take it like a champ and move on with your day, you’re working for the city today!

Sleep well, Stay strong and most of all NEVER CONFORM!


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