Saturday, July 21, 2012

Movie thearter trip

      So, at the risk of sounding 100% dramatic, I have a legitimate gripe.  After the events of 7-20-12, I am a little uneasy in the movie theater.  Of course, my initial question when picking the seats for my family and I was, "Do you have exits at the TOP of the theater.".  The answer I heard was, "Yes sir". In reality the true answer was, " Our theaters have 2 exits" but that didn't mean at the top, where I safely placed my family JUST in case a hasty, efficient escape is needed.

     At the risk of sounding paranoid and...silly for lack of a better word, I am uneasy now due to the fact that I have inadvertently placed my parents, my kids, my wife and myself in the furthest seats from any exit in this theater.  Some people will certainly mock me for this feeling of insecurity but am I really being that overly cautious?

     During the film, a gentleman went out of the exit door that exist out in the opposite direction of the lobby and restrooms.  I am sure no one else batted an eye but I watched that door like it was the main attraction for the rest of the time.

     Now I'm typing this, so obviously, we had an excellent movie going experience except for the fact that the new Spiderman movie sucked.  Gwen Stacy (Emma Stone) was excellent but the rest of it was just...blah for me.

     The main thing that bothers me is that all I needed was a ticket to get into this movie.  No one asked me if I had any weapons or informed me of any new precautions that have been instituted since 7-20-12.  Something needs to be initiated, just for the sake of peoples' comfort.  Anything will do, even if it is just a mind fuck to get me to feel comfortable.

     All is well and all will be fine.  I'm sure.

   Sleep well, stay strong and most of all NEVER CONFORM!.



  1. Do we really want to live in a society where it is required to be searched and questioned anytime we enter a public facility? People dont need just guns or knives to hurt masses of people. I am not going to allow an incident that happened run my life. If i allow myself to be that paranoid and worried I would never be able to leave the house. Do not get that way Jason. You will be setting yourself up for a life of isolation.

  2. I was simply stating that the fact was in the front of my mind. Time will pass and we will all forget the actions of the few malicious "humans" that live in this world amongst us. Fear is not a bad thing, fear can actually make people smarter not weaker. Use fear as a tool to allow your mind to think of situations normal humans can't fathom, then you'll be prepared just in case. Hopefully, none of us will have to go through anything like we see on the news.

  3. The sad reality is that these incidents are becoming too normal. We will forget this one when the next one happens. But what if the next one is a playground? I do not believe in banning guns in any means but if I had to pass a mental evaluation to get my tubes tied why is it easier for me to get a gun? And if we have metal detectors in schools stores and bus stations wouldn't you automatically think they were in other places such as movie theaters
