Is it a Penis or the Wenus?
First off, my skin can be loose at times. It can also be very tight at times too.
I can switch between loose and tight skin in a matter of seconds.
When my skin is loose, I look very odd and saggy.
When my skin is tight, I look epically classic and mighty.
When my skin is loose, I am very wrinkly.
When i suffer a laceration or abrasion I heal very slowly due to unexpected stretching and movement.
The area around me is generally a slightly different color than I am.
9 out of 10 people people don't know what or where the Wenis is.
9 out of 10 people (men and women) don't know a Penis is actually called a Penis.
I have multiple nicknames, MULTIPLE!
Sometimes I am used to pleasure a woman or man.
But I am often touched by my "owner" for his pleasure more than another persons.
Through out the day, I am touched often.
When i itch and have to be scratched, I always hear the sound "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
When my "owner" falls from a bicycle, I am often injured.
When my "owner" is sitting, I am very close to his belly button.
That's it folks! If you're trying to figure out which statement applies to which body part, give up! The Wenus and Penis apply to all of them!
Sleep well, Stay strong and most of all NEVER CONFORM!
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